“Because we, as humans, have the power and ability to stop these damaging programs, it is not the geoengineers who are the greatest threat but those within the movement who create division.”
The definition of coopt is to divert or use in a role different from the original.
Like most issues that threaten the agendas of the “global elite”, it is common when having mass awakenings about destructive programs or agendas, to see divisiveness and co-opting of even the most powerful movements. When the activism of those who are leading the charge of bringing truth to the public threatens the establishment and cannot be discredited, it is then that we see the most cunning of infiltrations that include personal attacks and divisive arguments. These are usually brought in to slow down or even halt the progress that threatens the agendas and consolidation of power that activists are seeking to expose. Whether brought in by mistake, emotion or agenda, the same strategy of division usually appears from the same people who often use tactical character assassinations and/or bring in divisive arguments that can tear down the cohesiveness and progress that has been made. It is only by these means can those who are not “called” then rise to the top of movements, get public attention and then control which often leads to co-opting and divisions in groups.
People who co-opt movements can often be compared to a bully on the top of a mountain that push anyone off who disagrees or is threatening their specific beliefs, goals or agendas. With a great increase of division in the chemtrail/geoengineering movement, we must ask, what tactics and issues are being used to slow down the massive awakening that is occurring?
Character Assassination as a Divisive Strategy
Character assassination is a common and effective tactic used by those looking to take power, authority and control away from another person within a group or groups. Character assassination is defined as a vicious personal attack, especially one intended to destroy a public figures reputation. While the attacks are rarely related to the issue that a public figure is addressing, they often come in the form of criticizing the figures private lives, personal affairs or different beliefs. Many of these attacks are made public or in the form of gossip and end up diverting the movement and the people involved from its common goal.
Original Source: State Of The Nation
Aurthor: Michael J Murphy