Wednesday 20 January 2016

Human Guinea Pigs

2000 – Experimental artificial blood is transfused into research subjects across the United States without their consent. Later studies show that the artificial blood causes a significant increase in the risk of heart attacks and death. (ABC News, 2nd ABC News article)

2002 – North Carolina's Shearon Harris nuclear plant contains the largest radioactive waste storage pools in the US. If the cooling system malfunctions, the resulting fire could trigger a nuclear meltdown. In 2002, plant managers are forced to manually shut down the reactors four times. Between 1999 and 2003, there are twelve major problems requiring the shutdown of the plant. Yet the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ignores the potential risks. (Counterpunch, ABC affiliate,Associated Press)

2007 – Texas governor Rick Perry makes the vaccine Gardasil mandatory for all Texan schoolgirls. The vaccine is designed to prevent the sexually transmitted cervical-cancer virus, yet even girls not sexually active are forced to take the new vaccine. Perry defends his relationship with Merck & Co., makers of the vaccine. The safety of the vaccine is also increasingly questioned. (MSNBC/AP, Los Angeles Times)

2008 – Nanotechnology, with risks to health still unknown, is being widely used in consumer products. Some experts say the microtubules which can easily enter our bodies may pose health and environmental risks. Researchers in Scotland say we may be facing the same health risks as asbestos. Yet industry is rapidly embracing this risky technology with little oversight. (New York Times, Project Censored, Science News)

2009 – The American Academy of Environmental Medicine calls for a moratorium on genetically modified foods. Their report states, "GM foods pose a serious health risk in the areas of toxicology, allergy and immune function, reproductive health, and metabolic, physiologic and genetic health." Yet the US threatens a trade war against any country which opposes these frankenfoods. The US media fail miserably to even present a debate on this crucial health topic. (American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Guardian, Scientific Summary)

2011 – Researchers suspect the military's High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), which frequently disturbs the ionosphere using powerful directed energy beams, is placing humanity at high risk due to unintended consequences. Some believe HAARP may even be influencing some natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes. (CBC documentary [Canada's PBS], Prof. Michel Chossudovsky)

2011 – Three nuclear design specialists employed by General Electric come forward stating that they resigned in 1976 after becoming convinced that the nuclear reactor design they were reviewing – the Mark 1 – was so flawed that it could lead to a devastating accident. Five of the six reactors at the Japan's nuclear facility which experiences a melt down in March 2011 are Mark 1s. (CBS News)

From 1988 to 2008, the number of overseas clinical trials for drugs increases by 2,000%, to approximately 6,500 trials. These trials are often conducted in areas with large numbers of poor and illiterate people who grant their consent by signing an "X" or making a thumb print on a form. The tests are rarely monitored by the FDA, and have in some cases proved deadly. 49 babies die in New Delhi, India during a 30-month trial. The cost of testing in countries without safety regulations is much lower; and, due to lax or nonexistent oversight, pharmaceutical corporations (or research companies they've contracted out to) are able to more easily suppress research that demonstrates harmful effects and only report positive results. (Vanity Fair)

For earlier dates (going back to 1932) visit the original post HERE.

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